No Country for Mother

Mẹ ơ đâu? (Mother, Where Are You?) 

Joe Goode Performance Group, San Francisco

Exploring personal histories, matriarchal myths, and Vietnamese mother goddess religion, No Country For Mother is an autobiographical reckoning and reconciling toward an embodied masculinity untethered by dominant narratives of manhood. Through dance, storytelling, and ritual, this intimate full-length solo honors matriarchal connections across time and space and asks how contemporary masculinity can uncover the divine mother within itself.

Mẹ ơ đâu? Mother, I hope to find you…

Music: transcriptions, Alex Abalos, Vanessa Vân-Ánh Võ | Lighting Design: GG Torres

Projection Design: fyusha
Costume Design: Mey Seychao
Set Design: Giang Trinh

Made possible with support from:

San Francisco Arts Council
California Arts Council
API Cultural Center
Asian Improv aRts